Friday, November 18, 2011


Medicine list-
Carboveg,Nux vom, sepia, Puls, Coffia, Camomilla, china, hepersusph, Silicia,Sulpher,Caricapapa, Kreosote,Lechesis ,Lycopodium,Natrum carb, Hydrastis, & more medicine may use as per sign and symptom to cure gastritis.

 FOOD TO BE AVOIDED-                                                                   Au rum,sweetmeat,almond,capsicum,Guava,Hilsha fish.beef,oil 

fried food,jack fruit, to avoided because these foods create more 

gases .After treatment  these foods can be taken easily. 


  • Have to sleep 8 hours per day.
  • Have to take physical exercise to increase digestive power.
  • Have to stay outside of anxiety

Test and treatments

These tests needed to diagnosis the gastric  treatments
  1. Complete blood count(cbc) to check for anemia or low blood count.
  2. Examination of the stomach with endoscope.
  3. H.Pylori tests.
  4. Stool test to check for small amount of blood in the stools which may be a sign of bleeding in stomach.                                             TREATMENT                                                                              There is no treatment system except homeopathy. In low gastritis the herbal food relief from acute gastritis.When gastritis  long run then to get early relief antacid,ranitid  ,omiprasol, is used. But allopathic medicine manages the gastritis but not cute properly and holly . If the allopathic medicine cure the disease   then no need to use.However who takes allopathic medicine  they have to run life, in this field it is not proper treatment system.                                            Homoeopathic treatment- Homoeopathic treatment system is "TREAT THE PATIENT NOT THE DISEASE'  treat the patient not partly but holly. Taking proper cause,when homeopathic medicine is used  gastritis cure holly. There are more and more evidence of gastritis cure.                                                                  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011



Gastritis is a common desease.It is an inflamation,irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It creats firstly acute then goes to chronic .Stomach lining contains special cell that produce acid and engymes .Which help to break down food for digetions and mucus,which protects  the stomach lining from acid. Stomach pain in the upper part of belly,discomfort,chest burning, are the symptoms of gastritis,nasuea and vomitting.

The steps of gastritis and related other desease -

FOOD -->INDIGATION-- >GASTRITIES-->ULCERATION-->CANCER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Causes of gastritis-There many causes of gastritis described below

  1. Due to excessive alchohol,chronic vomitting,stress or use of certain medications such as aspirin and other  anti-inflamatory  drugs
  2. Due to over eating food.
  3. Due to proper physical exercise or physical work the digestive system becomes weak so it can't digest  food properly.
  4. Due to spicy food ,junk food, receiving.
  5. Lack of proper sleeping irregularity and long time awake .
  6. Infaction of the stomach with a bactaria  cell Helicobacter pylori ,viral infaction -such as cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus 
  7. Back flow of bile in to the stomach(bile reflux)
  8. Cocaine  abuse 
  9. Eating or drinking caustic or corrosive substance(such as poison)
  10. Extreme stress.
  11. Sudden illness such as major surgery,kidney failure.